Technology Solutions Designed to Build Engagement with Your Audience
October 10, 2022
New Merch – A Closer Look
February 6, 2023

It’s Not About The Product

I’ll never forget the day we brought the family dog home. We timed it for a school break to help little Henrietta adjust to her new home — and for her new people to adjust to her. We quickly agreed that our family was now complete. Welcoming a new pet is no casual undertaking. Not only do you have to make sure they understand the rules of the house, but you need to get all the humans on board as well! During this getting-to-know-you phase, Henrietta’s favorite way to learn about a new object was to chew on it — whether it was her toy or not.


Connecting With People In the Moments that Matter

I called my sister, a dog-owner herself, to lament the pitfalls of puppy-parenting and seek advice on what to do about the chewing. About a week later, she sent me this T-shirt from Life is Good®. It’s a reminder that no matter what I do, the love from a dog is unconditional, just like family. Spirits lifted, I immediately put it on and prepared Henrietta for an afternoon walk. She approached me, sniffed the shirt… and took a bite with her sharp, little puppy teeth. The shirt was still mine, but it became hers too. Four years later, the family is trained and Henrietta has grown out of the biting phase — but neither of us have outgrown this shirt.


At Summit, we know it’s not about the product. We move the hearts and minds of the people who matter to you.

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